Karlsruhe Dialogues 2011
Daniel Kaplan
Daniel Kaplan, 48, is the founder and CEO of the Next-Generation Internet Foun-dation (FING). FING is a collective and open Research and Development project that focuses on digital innovation and its interaction with economic and social change.
Since the 1990's, Daniel Kaplan has been deeply involved in the Internet’s devel-opment and evolution. He was VP-Membership of the Internet Society world-wide, and contributed to the creation of ICANN. He served in the European Commission's e-Europe's Experts Chamber, as well as in the French Prime Minis-ter’s Strategic Advisory Board on Information Technologies (CSTI). Mr. Kaplan has written or directed 20 books and public reports on the internet, mobility and ubiquitous networking, ambient intelligence, e-inclusion, e-commerce, e-education, electronic media, cities and sustainable development, privacy and digital identities.
His latest book in English was: Digital Privacy Revisited, To protect and to project, Fyp Editions, 2010.