18th Karlsruhe Dialogues – Speakers

No ‘Bread’ but ‘Circuses’? Major Events in Rio de Janeiro between Spectacle, Speculation, Right for City and the New Brazil

Dr. Dawid Danilo Bartelt 


Dr. Dawid Danilo Bartelt

Born in 1962, Dr. Dawid Danilo Bartelt studied history and social sciences in Bochum, Hamburg, and Recife (Brazil), as well as in Berlin, where he earned his doctorate after writing a dissertation on the 1897 War of Canudos in northwest Brazil. He has been working as a journalist and author since 1989, and has published widely on international politics, Latin America, and Brazil. Bartelt was spokesperson for the German section of Amnesty International from 2002 to 2010. Since 2010 he has been managing the Brazil office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. Two of his more recent works are “Kein Brot, aber Spiele. Megaevents in Brasilien”, in: Oekom e.V/Heinrich Böll Foundation (eds.): Lateinamerika – Zwischen Ressourcenausbeutung und ,gutem Leben‘ (2013), pp. 43-49; and Copacabana. Biographie eines Sehnsuchtsortes (2013).