Karlsruhe Dialogues 2011

David Nicholas



David Nicholas

Professor David Nicholas is the Director of the Department of Information Studies at University College London, and also Director of the UCL Centre for Publishing and Director of CIBER research group.

His research interests are mapping information use and seeking behaviour in virtual spaces (web behaviour), the digital consumer, the virtual scholar, the health information consumer; digital library evaluation; e-book and e-journal usage; evaluation of publisher platforms.

David Nicholas is also the editor of the scholarly journal: Aslib Proceedings: new information perspectives since 1996, referee for the journals: Journal of Documentation, Journal of Information Science, Information Processing and Management, JASIST and member of the British Library Research Board since 2007. He is the principle investigator in various research projects, like Charleston Observatory study of the impact of social networks on researchers (2010) and The digital revolution: information seeking experiments with young people with BBC Television (2009–2010).