News 2021
Blätter aus dem PinselSustainability Spring Days at KIT

The Sustainability Spring Days at KIT took place from 22-25 March 2021. In various events it was explored how science can contribute to understanding and fostering the sustainability of technical, social and ecological systems.

Further Information
Keynote-SpeechKeynote Speech at the Sustainability Spring Days at KIT

Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel held the public keynote speech of the opening event of the Sustainability Spring Days at KIT 2021 on 22 March 2021.

To the recording of the livestream

Further Information
TeaserBecome a global citizen

Civic engagement on an international level is possible with our new EPICUR Service-Learning course. Join the course and become part of civil society by doing an internship in a CSO in Karlsruhe or Thessaloniki. The course started on 14th May 2021.

Register here
ZAK_Occasional PapersZAK I Occasional Papers

ZAK is launching a new online series, the ZAK I Occasional Papers. The first issues of Leo Hollis (No. 1) and Mirjam van Reisen et al. (No. 2) are now available online!

Further information
ZAK_TALKSZAK Talks at KIT Science Week

At the final weekend (9/10 October 2021) of the first KIT Science Week, the ZAK Talks adressed the topic AI with a public symposium and a matinee at IHK Karlsruhe, an ARTE Film Night at ZKM Karlsruhe as well as a reading at Staatstheater Karlsruhe.

Further Information
papierschiffchenWork of tomorrow and beyond – between science and fiction

In the course of the BMBF funded project „FutureWork“, a public conference dedicated itself with work in the future at ZKM Karlsruhe as well as at IHK Karlsruhe on 17/18 September 2021.

Further information
Femtec GmbHApplication for Femtec

Female students with subjects in STEM were able to apply for the Femtec.Career-Building Programme until 7 November 2021. An online information event on 27 October 2021 provided further details of the programme as well as personal insights of the scholarship holders.

Further Information
TeaserProf. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha set ex-aequo

Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha, who was honored to be on the short list of two in the last round of the application process: "It was a great honour to be presented to the Board of Governors set ex-aequo by the selection panel with Josep Ferré.”

Further Information
 COVID-19 as Societal Crises – Challenges and Chances

On 29 June 2021 the German network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) together with the International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO) of KIT hosted an online discussion on the current pandemic-related changes and challenges in the relationship between (civil) society, politics and science.

Further Information
Teaser_CF_SoSe21_x310Welcome to the Anthropocene

In the summer term 2021 the course of lectures Colloquium Fundamentale dedicated itself with literary, artistic and cultural aspects of the ecological debate in the anthropocene.

Further Information

The project "Hope in the Time of Corona. EuroMed Citizen Visions" as a follow-up project of our EuroMed Citizen Reporters was selected for the "Long Night of Ideas 2021" of the Federal Foreign Office and was streamed live on 7 June 2021.

Further Information
Photo by Canva Studio from PexelsCivic engagement abroad

The application for the seminar "En route!" Become a global citizen through cross-border Service-Learning was possible until October 19, 2021.

Further Information

The future of our work is uncertain? With the BMBF funded project FutureWork, ZAK is breaking new ground to change this. Human Factors and Ergonomics, Futurology and Science Fiction are working together on new future scenarios.

Further Information
TeaserThe Scene - Artists in the Mediterranean

On 24 June 2021, the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation in cooperation with “Elan – Ideas for Europe” organised the first debate “From Tragedy and Comedy to Young Theatre” of the innovative debate series "The Scene", which shares visions and challenges and connects the Art Scene to stimulate the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue.

Further Information
AI & EducationArtifical Intelligence and the Future of Education

Artificial intelligence is gaining importance in the education sector and influences the future of children and young people. On November 10, 2021 Dr. Sandra Leaton Gray highlighted social and ethical consequences in the Data Literacy Lecture Series at ZAK.

Further Information
TeaserApply now for Femtec.Career-Building-Programme!

Female students with subjects in STEM were able to apply online for the Femtec.Career-Building Programme until 16th May 2021. An online information event provided further details of the programme and personal insights of the scholarship holders.

Further Information
 EPICUR Internship Exchange Programme Info Session

On September 8th, EPICUR organised an online Info Session on the EPICUR Internship Exchange Programme and the application process for the next round.

Further Information
Dali TeaserData Literacy

The lecture series Data Literacy began on October 27, 2021. KIT internal and external experts dealt with the most important aspects of data analysis and use.

Further Information
Fair of OpportunitiesFair of Opportunities at the Sustainability Spring Days at KIT

The "virtual fair of opportunities" offered the opportunity to get to know institutions, initiatives, companies, and student organisations and their activities pursuing sustainable development on 23 March 2021.

Further Information