Karlsruher Gespräche 2007
Prof. Dr. Mona Abousenna
Title: Professor
Post: Professor of English Literature
Institution: Ain Shams University, English Department, Faculty of Education
Date of birth: 16/8/1945
Place of birth: Cairo
Education: Graduate of the German School, Cairo, 1962
BA, Cairo University, English Department,
Faculty of Arts, 1967
MA, Ain Shams University, English Department,
Faculty of Arts, 1977
PhD, Ain Shams University, English Department,
Faculty of Arts, 1980
Academic Posts:
Demonstrator, English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University (1968-77)
Assistant Lecturer, same institution (1977-80)
Lecturer, same institution (1980-85)
Assistant Professor, same institution (1985-91)
Professor, same institution (1991- )
Administrative Posts:
Head, English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, 1992-2000)
Director, Center for Developing English Language Teaching CDELT, Ain Shams University, 1990-2000)
Head Translation Unit, Middle East Research Center, Ain Shams University, 1990-2000)
Member, Translation Committee, Egyptian Supreme Council for Culture, (1990- )
International Institutions:
Co-Founder with Mourad Wahba and elected Secretary General to the Afro-Asian Philosophy Association (AAPA),member of FISP, (1991 – )
Co-Founder with Mourad Wahba and elected Secretary General to the Averroes & Enlightenment International Association, affiliated to the AAPA,
(1994- )
Member of the Executive Board to the Association Internationale de Litterature Comparee (AILC), member of FILLM, (1987- 1993)
Executive Director, Cairo Center for Inquiry, affiliated to the International Inquiry Center,USA, (2004- )
Publications as Co-author and Co-editor::
Co-Editor with Mourad Wahba, "Averroes Today," Annual Journal published by the Averroes & Enlightenment International Association,
3 volumes, (1999, 2000, 2002)
Co-Editor with Mourad Wahba, FORUM, a quarterly Newsletter published by the Cairo Center for Inquiry and Averroes & Enlightenment International Association, Cairo (2004- )
Co-author with Mourad Wahba,Manifesto on Creativity in Education, Queb'a Publishing, Cairo, 1999.
Co-Editor with Mourad Wahba, Proceedings of the international conferences of the Averroes & Enlightenment International Association,4 volumes, (1994,1996,1998,2000)
Individual Publications:
Literature and Culture, Anglo-Egyptian Publisher,Cairo,1985
Alienation in Brecht's Theatre,same publisher,19881
Language as Culture,same publisher,1985
Enlightenment in Lterature, Third World Publisher,Cairo,1998
Critique of Woman's Reason, Queeb'a P{ublisher, 2000
Metaphysics of the Absolute in Aristotle's "Poetics",
Anglo-Egyptian Publisher,1986
Averroes as Forerunner of Hermeneutics, in Averroes and Enlghtenment,Prometheus Books,Buffalo,1995
The Epistemology of Creativity in Education, in Creativity in Education, Queeb'a Publishing, Cairo, 2000
The Epistemology of Human Rights, in Proceedings of "Enlightenment and Human Rights," ed. Mona Abousenna, Anglo-Egyptian Publisher,Cairo,2000
Editor of the Proceedings of the Annual National Symposium on English Language Teaching in Egypt, Center for Developing English Language Teaching CDELT, 1990-2000