Sustainable finance. How can banks support the goals of the Paris Agreement?
- Typ: Seminar (S)
- Lehrstuhl: Zentrale Einrichtungen - Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale
- Semester: WS 24/25
Fr. 10.01.2025
09:00 - 19:00, einmalig
50.19 Seminarraum 1
50.19 InformatiKOM 1 (1)
- Dozent: Nicole Schmidt
- SWS: 1
- LVNr.: 1130536
- Hinweis: Präsenz
Inhalt | Since the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted in 2015, governments, academia, NGOs and the media have sought to focus more attention on financial institutions: private sector capital as a catalyst for a transformed 2 or 1.5-degree world. It is even rumored that COP29 will be entirely dedicated to sustainable finance and the question as to how financing the transition towards decarbonization will be possible. Thus, the role of banks has taken the center stage. How do banks discuss and approach sustainability and climate change? What instruments and practices exist to support sustainable economic activities? And do these tools help to mitigate climate change? These and other questions will be examined in this one-day seminar. Essays on selected topics will round off the discussion. 1 LP |
Vortragssprache | Englisch |
Organisatorisches | Registration required at: |