Intercultural competence for global citizens

  • Typ: Seminar (S)
  • Lehrstuhl: Zentrale Einrichtungen - Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale
  • Semester: SS 2022
  • Zeit: Di 03.05.2022
    09:30 - 16:30, einmalig

  • Dozent: Kerstin Kilanowski
  • LVNr.: 1130409
  • Hinweis: Online

Germans are cold, Polish drink too much, Chinese don’t come out with their opinions, French are arrogant, US Americans are loud, Africans are always late… Stereotypes and bias are frequent phenomena when people from different cultures come together. This often leads to misunderstandings, frustration, disappointment – and on a larger scale even result in violent confrontation and wars. Nowadays, global exchange on a professional as well as on a private level is common ground. The more you meet and work with people from cultures different from your own, the more you need intercultural competence.

In this course, you will on one hand get to know different theories of culture and intercultural communication. To a larger extent you will reflect your own internalized cultural standards and analyse so called “critical incidents”.

2-3 ECTS

The seminar is highly interactive and includes challenging methods where you will apply simulations with your co-students.

Requirements: respect and thoughtfulness in the group; willingness and curiosity to cope with confronting situations. Good command of English necessary. International students are specially welcome.


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